
Experiences that live ON PURPOSE.

Experiences that live ON PURPOSE.

We have always cared about impact. From project to project, client to client, event to event, the top focus for VISION is always on how we’re serving the needs of those around us. With our new brand, it was time to make it official.

ON Purpose

Driving impact for our clients and in our community.

The thread that weaves together our work isn’t our services, our capabilities or our experiences—it’s our purpose. Like our values, our purpose is a critical part of VISION. Our purpose is what we have in common with the projects we work on. It’s that kismet that happens when you take passion and add in magnetic attraction. It’s like falling in love.

We fall in love with our clients. We seek out organizations that have impact that lives on. That are as dedicated to the betterment of our industry and our world as we are. Organizations filled with people who care. As a company, we dedicate our time to causes that means something to all of us, like Holocaust Museum Houston, The Greater Houston Partnership and The Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce.

We do this because we’re not a business with a purpose—we’re a purpose- driven business. It’s part of our DNA, just like our values. We’ll be keeping an eye on impact for our ON PURPOSE projects and sharing what we find.

Follow along. Or better yet, get involved—we’ll post opportunities to join us in serving others throughout Houston.