
Remote Video Productions: Paving the Way for Global Storytelling

Behind the scenes of remote video production of Dell commercial

At VISION, we are always thinking forward and testing the boundaries of what is possible. So when offered the chance to work with Great Guns USA and Dell Blue to create a global commercial for Dell Technologies featuring a 3D projected mapping backdrop, we didn’t hesitate to accept the challenge.

Although the 3D projection mapping aspect of Dell Technologies’ commercial presented its own unique challenges, there was also quite a bit of creative problem solving required from a production communications standpoint as multiple stakeholders were fully remote during the production. While our crew, talent, and production was based in Houston, the production’s Director from Great Guns wanted to direct remotely from London, and the clients from Dell Blue wanted to supervise the production from Austin.

The Virtual Production Workflow

To overcome these communication barriers, VISION set up a virtual production workflow utilizing the latest technology, including live camera feeds streaming to remote stakeholders, streamlined communications processes, as well as real-time editing and compositing capabilities. Watch the video below to hear a brief overview of the technical aspects of the virtual workflow from VISION’s Lead DP and Editor, Mike Stephany:

The technical solutions developed for this project not only ensured that the production ran smoothly, but also ended up saving the client time and money in airfare as well as down travel days. Furthermore, real-time editing and compositing ended up saving the client additional time and money as they were able to omit pre-planned shots that were revealed to be unnecessary after seeing the final look during each take. Unlike typical productions where editing and compositing are done during the post-production process, the addition of real-time editing and compositing allowed the client and director to see the final shots live during the production shoot.

In addition to the cost- and time-saving benefits, remote workflow solutions also enable better storytelling. Virtual production solutions allow brands and organizations to find the best production partners beyond their local sphere and opens the doors for more global productions with a broader range of stories. With all the benefits in efficiency, budget and storytelling capabilities, we foresee virtual productions becoming an even more common practice around the world.

While technology played an important part throughout the production, it was ingenuity that was the essential ingredient to making Dell’s campaign a success. No matter how advanced technology becomes, it will always have its limits. It’s with fearless imagination and resourcefulness that our team is able to see a path forward through any roadblock.

Learn more about VISION’s video production services, reach out at 713-862-1900.