
Using Augmented Reality To Create A Lasting Impact

Using Augmented Reality To Create A Lasting Impact

Our VP Creative, Dan Pratt, had a chat with Innovation Map about how brands should strategize their technology adoption. One of the methods mentioned in that discussion was Augmented Reality (AR) which is the overlaying of digitally-created content on top of the real-world environment—enabling users to interact with the physical world as well as the digital elements. In our more recent conversation with Innovation Map, we dove a little deeper into augmented reality and the difference it can make for brands.

Brands are constantly trying to find new ways to stand out in a market saturated with new digital content. Connecting with an audience requires that brands go above and beyond passive digital content and take an innovative, interactive approach. With that being said, engaging technology and content shouldn’t be used solely to grab attention, but rather be implemented in a strategic way. Glitzy technology such as augmented reality is a great way to attract an audience’s initial interest, but the real challenge is not getting them to come, it’s getting them to stay.

User Tendencies

AR offers companies the opportunity to utilize unique technology in a way that attracts users and immerses them in an experience from start to finish that passive digital content cannot accomplish. To create this captivating experience, the first step is to understand user tendencies. For example, some users prefer to watch content without audio. With that in mind, it’s important that your content is created and designed in a way that can be enjoyed even without playing sound. Determining the type of user you are targeting will inspire efforts that best resonates with that audience. The next key tendency to keep in mind is user patience. Consumers are constantly being bombarded with new content daily and are becoming desensitized to digital mediums. So in order to make a lasting impression, brands must make an impact within the first few moments of the user’s interaction. That initial impact will improve the likelihood of getting the user to click, listen to the audio, and interact with the full experience. Finally, having a clear explanation of what app is needed and how they can operate the technology is key to an augmented reality experience’s success.

Identifying The Right Audience

Augmented reality is an excellent tool that checks many boxes for brands. However, before you can begin “checking boxes” you must address what your needs are first. These goals can vary greatly depending on which type of business you have – a B2B or B2C.

Augmented Reality for B2B Businesses

B2B businesses must be cognizant that their customers are more than likely not going to be the end-user of this technology. For these strategies, the technology will more likely be utilized by a sales team or another internal position. Therefore, the process then begins by identifying the sales team’s needs. From there, it’s important to determine how much the sales group wants to drive the experience as opposed to the potential customer. Finally, a custom experience is created that the team can deploy. One example is developing AR technology for trade shows. In some cases, the product being sold, such as a large piece of machinery, is too cumbersome or complicated to physically bring to the event, or the inner workings might be too difficult to dismantle. This is where the power of augmented reality can truly shine.

Through the use of innovative AR technology, VISION was able to help Emerson, a valve manufacturing company, create a memorable and immersive exhibit experience that stood out amongst the many other vendors on the expo floor competing for the attention of Valve World attendees. AR proved to be a powerful tool in garnering interest at the trade show, driving traffic to their booth, and granting the sales team more time to make connections and less time explaining, what can be, a complex product.

Augmented Reality for B2C Businesses

B2C companies that want to incorporate augmented reality technology have different challenges that need to be considered. That challenge is the numerous variables that are presented outside of a controlled environment. For instance, the B2B AR end-users will most likely consist of a handful of trained sales team members driving the experience on one type of device. For B2C, the consumer is the end-user and many factors can play a role in the quality of their experience. Some dynamics the team has to consider is lighting, type of device, and current mobile software updates.

Furthermore, it’s important to consider what age-group your audience falls into. Some generations tend to be more tech-savvy than others, so brands must create an experience that is not only intriguing but has inherent usability for their target audience. This is why testing is an important aspect of VISION’s process due to the B2C margin for error being much smaller as patience levels become thinner. Rushing the production process increases the likelihood that the augmented reality experience turns out glitchy. Having a production team that’s able to strike the balance of strategy, functionality, and creativity is key to making a memorable consumer impression.

The Future of Augmented Reality

During the restrictions on in-person gatherings caused by the pandemic, many brands used that time as an opportunity to prepare for the digital transformation. Businesses are continuing to pivot their budgets towards developing new technology such as augmented reality and thinking long term about the approach they want to utilize moving forward.

By investing their marketing dollars towards technology now, these brands are able to advance and progress into what will be the future of marketing in the digital age.

The pandemic has launched augmented reality technology further into the mainstream and has forced businesses to think outside of their typical efforts and utilize new ways of connecting. Just a few, short years ago, AR was a slow-moving technology, and now, the advancements are happening at a rapid-fire pace. Now is the time to embrace and invest in new technology or else run the risk of being left behind.

As augmented reality continues to grow in popularity, we look forward to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and creating immersive ideas that not only shape a user’s experience with technology but encourage brands to adopt new ways of connecting.